

Adoption Story Link

I encourage you to take a few minutes to read this story about the Haakes, a couple from our church who adopted a young special needs boy last year. It is written by Andy Olsen, another friend from church with Asbury ties who is a talented photographer and writer who along with his wife, Erika, have made numerous trips to Haiti and have some moving stories and images on their blog from their experiences. I read about the newspaper coverage on the Haake's blog (thanks, Google Reader!) so we stopped by Kroger on the way home from church and picked up a copy. You can imagine our surprise when we saw Kerwin's photo above the fold and the story monopolizing the Herald-Leader's front page! They also gave it a full 2-page spread in the A section! The story will continue in Monday's and Tuesday's papers. Andy has written a gripping account of their adoption journey (I thought 5 weeks in Albania was a long time) which you won't want to quit reading. Be sure to click on Kerwin's picture to link to a slideshow and see some of Andy's other images.

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

What a story!!! God bless the Haakes and Kerwin. Thanks for sharing, Cydil.