

Meeting at Last

Ellie is photographed above with fellow Albanian adoptee, Nathan B (not to be confused with Nathan W). In the summer of 2004, Nathan (W) and I found ourselves in Albania at the same time Nathan B's family were finishing up the last of their steps to bring their little guy home. When people ask us 'why adoption'? and 'why Albania'? We can say that witnessing their experience first hand was something we never forgot and led us to really consider, 'why not'?

When we got Ellie's referral last fall, little Nathan was one of the first few who could pronounce her given name perfectly. When we walked up the sidewalk to their home in October to share referral photos and consult with them about what to expect next in the process, little Nathan greeted us at the door, craned his neck to look behind us and asked, "Where is Elisona?"

Last night we were pleased to say, "Here she is!"


hannah vanorman said...

hey nathan and cydil
love this piture of ellie and nathan booker on the blog aunt hannah said and leave my comment

Kathryn said...

Are those barettes I see in Miss E's hair? (or are they 'buh-rettes'?)

pranvera said...

Wow!we were waiting so long to see that picture of them Two-Albanian-together.Good Job, Cydil&Nathan,
God Bless.

Anonymous said...

So glad to know some of your thought processes about Ellie's adoption!!! God surely orchestrated every detail of the process!! Love ya, Aunt Ruth