

Scratching an itch

Ever have that itch on your back between your shoulder blades you can't reach?

That's kind of how I feel about not finding time to get a post written since who knows how long.  And to get some temporary relief, I'm going to throw up a quick update.  Dad, don't be too mad for too long that it doesn't have a photo.  I'll try to make up for it later...

VBS was great!  Time with Mark and Eszti was special!  Ellie's birthday was one of her best yet!  And now we are in Kentucky (for like 72 hours)!

Yesterday we were able to be back at our home church, First Alliance, for the first time since October (?).  It was so, so nice to reconnect with our church family there!

The balance of our time here is filled with appointments for all of us (dentist, Ellie's 8-year check-up, meeting some potential tenants for the duplex, supper with some supporters, and a gathering back at church), then we're on our way up to Marion, Indiana for the rest of the week!

Happy be-lated Father's Day to our wonderful dads and to my husband, Nathan, who goes above and beyond!

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