

Ellie's 8th Birthday Par-TAY!

Ellie's birthday breakfast request was chocolate chip pancakes... we didn't have chocolate chips but we did have m&m's.  That's an "E" and a smiley face that Nathan put on an eight-shaped pancake.

Lunch after VBS was happy meals at Mickey D's and time in the Playplace...

Then, while the boys bought the supplies for the evening cook-out, Ellie fulfilled a long-time wish to have her nails done, including the fancy little flowers painted on just like Marilyn's.

We went next door to the nail salon and Ellie got a hair cut.  She kept telling the hairdresser over and over, "I'm getting my first makeover!"  I was glad she was so happy (and that the experience was only $17 between the two activities!).  She won't soon forget it!

And below, an amazing surprise in her happy meal... a bird with flapping wings, absolutely perfect for our bird-loving girl.

All done!  And yes, that's the same dress pictured in her 6th birthday photo... her birthday falls on Flag Day, so we like to dress patriotically...

Later in the evening we were able host a party like I remember having at her age... complete with extended family present.

Nathan grilled out on our little camping stove...

(below) Ellie and Reni with their 'favorite' Waggoner cousin, Elisha.

Gift opening was a little chaotic.  And I think Ellie scored more gifts than ever.  Reni got really into it too.

And for her third straight birthday, lanterns... I got them super cheap the winter Tangled was in the theaters.  Then they shot up in price.  We've been releasing a few per year and I have a couple more left.  Now rumor has it the EPA may be outlawing them...

What a special day! Nathan and I marveled at the crowded room of family surrounding Ellie with love. I think she had a really, really good day and we couldn't ask for much more than that.  What a privilege to raise this little girl and call her ours!  What a gift!

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