

Indiana Friends, Part 1

We wrapped up our October travels with some visits to dear friends and family in Indiana and a meeting before the WGM Board of Directors.  But before I share about that... I have a few more photos from KY that missed the last blog post! And yes, Reni's hair will have two different looks from the time the post starts to the time the post ends...

The night before we left Kentucky, we met a former student friend/cabinet member, Nathan Crum, and his new wife, Sarah.  Since they started dating after graduation, this was our first real opportunity to spend some time with Sarah. Over a yummy dinner at Fazoli's we heard about their new married life, and their new addition:  a puppy named Sam!  They brought Sam out to the RV for Ellie and Reni to spend a little time with him.  (I am contemplating a separate post of photos of Ellie with all the canine friends she made on this trip!)

From supper, we met Mom and Dad for Chick Fil A Ice Dream in the RV. They were traveling through Kentucky and we were really happy to see them, if only briefly, and let them see the Mini Winnie in person!

(Above), friends Peter and Sarah came over to say goodbye Wednesday morning before we pulled out! What good friends whom our kids love and who love our kids!

Wednesday evening we were happy to meet our friend Heidi for coffee at a Starbucks off the interstate.  Heidi traveled on a team that Nathan took to Honduras a few years ago.  She's a quality young woman with a sincere heart for missions and following the Lord.  We're praying for her as she undertakes one of the last pieces of passing the CPA exam!

The next morning we got back on the road again and headed to Anders*n University where we met new friends Kevin and Maria to hear Nick Vujicic speak in chapel.  He has a tremendous testimony and it's a blessing to see how he has allowed God to work in his life, sharing his story in a powerful way to draw others to Him.

After chapel, Kevin and Maria had us over for a yummy lunch!  It was a treat to meet two of their three children (their oldest was at school).  I was so glad it worked out in our schedule to visit this sweet family!

Our next stop was a visit with a college friend, Rachel.  Her parents are our regional directors, overseeing all of the WGM missionaries in Eastern Europe.  Rachel and her husband, Chris, have two daughters, each six months older than our children and they got along fabulously, as you'll see below!

(above) Um, yeah.  When your moms are photographers, you've got the photo-taking thing down pat.  While our trip was pretty much one big highlight, I particularly enjoyed Rachel's Bible Study.  I shared a little bit about our family and what we hope to do in Albania, etc.  They were very inquisitive and very encouraging.  An overall neat group of women!  Thank you, ladies, for sharing some of your time with me and welcoming me so warmly!

The next morning we headed up to Marion for formal approval from WGM's Board of Directors.  I have no photos from this day (perhaps a little nerves about saying the right thing and having two obedient, well-groomed children)?  Interestingly, while we feel like we know just about everybody in our mission pretty well, I wasn't sure how many folks on the Board I would know as they're not a group that the staff and missionaries rub shoulders with regularly.  We had a good meeting with them and conversation over luncheon afterwards.  We appreciate the service of time they give to provide leadership and direction for our mission!

Once that was behind us, we went into Marion to pick up a new battery for the Winnebago (yeah, our wheels did give us a bit of excitement requiring a new alternator somewhere along the road which then killed our old battery, but for now things seem to be sorted out).  It was then on to Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth's house for the night!

Ellie and her new pal, Annie.  Below, Ellie making a dog 'magically' appear from under the blanket.  Reni LOVES puzzles and whipped through their stacks of puzzles before mastering a little antique pinball game.

Thank you, Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth!  You were great hosts and we all very much enjoyed our time with you!  Next up, our final destination:  Ligonier!

1 comment:

Maria said...

I feel kind of famous to have made the blog:) and I realize now I didn't take any pictures with my you don't get to be famous on my blog:)