

My Ol' Kentucky Home

To say the last week has been 'good' would be an understatement.  Being back in Kentucky has been wonderful.  It's only been a couple of months, so little has changed (which helps, if you know what I mean).  It was kind of like the last two months were a dream and poof!  we were back again.  That's not to say we have second thoughts about leaving!  We absolutely have been blessed with confirmations that we are where we are supposed to 'be', and that gives us peace.  Just being with dear friends and church family has been a balm to the soul; an encouragement to our hearts to feel the expressions of love... it's rejuvenation at a point when we could otherwise be feeling weary in the journey of a nomad's life (this is where the RV has been a tremendous blessing, too).  This post has lots of pictures (put into collages to make it a bit less overwhelming), but I feel like this past week has lots of gaps in the photo department, too.  I will try to fill in with text where appropriate.

I loved the light filtering in the window this particular morning.  This time together has brought these two even closer.  Love it.

Wednesday (Oct 10), we were invited to share at Daybreak Community Church.  It was a busy night and I completely forgot to pull out the camera (so disappointed) so we drove by a few days later to get the images below.  This congregation was so warm and welcoming!  We enjoyed dinner before the service, then Nathan gave a children's message followed by a message for the 'grown ups.'  We look forward to developing a meaningful relationship with this body of Christ in Lexington!  We are grateful to our friend, Dr. Shawn Taylor, for inviting us to her home church!

We met our dear friends, the Lauters, for breakfast one morning.  They have had a busy life pouring into so many Asbury students through education and missions as well as pastoring a church that they commuted to every weekend in Indiana for many, many years! In spite of sensing the need to slow down from a busy speaking schedule, it's exciting to see Prof's eyes light up when talking about a new ministry bearing much fruit in the mountains of eastern Kentucky community. I don't think they will ever truly 'retire' in this life!

On Friday we packed the day full of appointments.  Interestingly, at all but one stop we ran into friends from our home church.  At one of them we learned that the middle school girls missions group from First Alliance was hosting a table at a craft sale sponsored by the Explorium in downtown Lexington.  The extra surprise:  the proceeds were to benefit our ministry account!  In addition to crafts for sale, there were numerous activities for children to enjoy.  The kids loved it!

How cool is that?  What a blessing!  On Sunday they were pleased to present us with a card and check for $250!!!  The young lady (Christy) and her mother (Michelle) below are special friends from church -- they have cousins/nephews adopted from Albania!  Pretty cool, eh?

On Saturday night we were happy to attend one more African Goat Roast at the student center. It went off without a glitch and it was neat to see so many students turn out to have a good time!

Sunday morning we attended our home church, First Alliance.  Our friends, Prabu and Sheeba, were in Kentucky from India this week for events at Asbury Seminary. We met them when they were students at Asbury Seminary from 2002-2008.  They have an amazing ministry going on in their home country and since graduating have adopted their daughter Prarthna ("Prayer"),  She's just two months older than Reni.  It was a special treat to join them and the Putmans for lunch after church and finally meet Prarthna in person! (What did we do before Faceb**k).

Sunday evening Nathan shared a message with nearly 100 of our student friends at Global Cafe. Sarah and Cassie watched the kids so we could just enjoy the service and soak up the opportunity to worship with that special, special group of Asburians.  We are so appreciative of the job Jonathan and Faith are doing providing leadership at the student center.  The students love them and the Lord is blessing!

I was a bit curious how the kids would be returning to their old home.  For sure, understanding new boundaries was slow to sink in.  Reni would periodically ask if we could go to our 'old house' or 'upstairs' to get a drink or take a bath and play with old toys.  Jonathan and Faith were extremely gracious, particularly Monday night when we learned that Ellie and a few of her friends escaped the watchful eye of the babysitter during adoption group and took a tour of Ellie's former home.  J&F reported that they were watching TV when they heard the door open and a line of children follow Ellie in while she said (of the new paint and carpet), "Look what I did to the place!  Isn't it beautiful?"  then of the new four-legged occupants, Pixie and Bella, "Here is the dog 'Spike' and the cat 'Doggie'!"

One of our traditions was to eat in the cafeteria on a weekly basis.  Prior to eating lunch we stopped by to see an art exhibit created by our friend Ben who lived with us last summer.  I think one of our old van tires ended up in one of these creations inspired by wildlife from his home in Kenya.

Then it was off to lunch in the cafeteria.  Just like old times.

(Below left)  One of the reasons why Ellie loved college students so much:  cool cell phones with video games.
(Below right)  Pray for the girls Abby and Anna.  Graduating in May, they are planning to come to Albania with us for 6 months starting in September to homeschool the kids while Nathan and I go to language school.  Major, major provision there.  We couldn't be more excited!

(Above).  Yes, Reni did that hand stand all by himself. Peter is Reni's favorite guy on campus because he will  make Reni "fly".  Yeah, I'm pretty sure Peter is sorta regretting that. ; )

Check back later for our final pics from Kentucky!

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