

Indiana Friends, Old and New

We are home and settling back into our 'routine' of sorts.  It must be rather dull because Ellie is already asking about our next trip. ; )  Upon reflection, while Ellie has difficulties with 'goodbyes', the promise of a another playmate at her next destination made transition easier.  Now that we're back home on the farm, the view doesn't change, each day is similar to the one before and life just doesn't hold the mystery and excitement of the new and unknown!

Another struggle since coming home has been for the kids to go to sleep on their own.  Given that we slept mere inches apart in the RV, a room across the hall might as well be in the next state.  It has made for some protracted bedtime rituals! Deep down I know children crave routine and structure and this will eventually work itself out, but the in-between can be tough, but I'm not complaining.

Since coming back home, my mind has been revisiting the memories of our roadtrip and my heart has been thanking the Lord for blessing us with some wonderful appointments.  Our final weekend on the road found us up in Ligonier, Indiana.  I've heard of Ligonier for years, but never visited until this past weekend.  Up in northern Indiana, the sight of an Amish horse-pulled buggy is not an unusual sight.  But we didn't go to see the Amish or sample their cooking, we drove up to see our friends, Nate and Anne Lowe, their three children, and their home church.  

Nathan and I met the Lowes in Hungary, of all places, 6 years and (for them) one less child ago.  We were all in Hungary to help facilitate an English camp with our host missionary friends, the Searls.  About the same age, sharing some mutual friends, and ministering with a common purpose, it was easy to strike up a friendship, one I'm pleased to say has been maintained over the years and miles thanks to things like blogs (Anne's a fantastic writer) and the occasional conference or retreat.

Sunday morning we visited their home church, Ligonier Evangelical.

During the first hour, we shared with their high school Sunday school class (below).  On a side note:  Nate and Anne have a tremendous heart for high-school aged kids and they really challenged me with their efforts to help 'their kids' own and keep their faith through an age when many Christian young people are shedding their faith at an alarming rate during the transition to adulthood).  Nathan shared a 'missions moment' in church on a weekend that was devoted to missions.  I've said it before, but it's always an encouragement to worship with a church that's devoted to making disciples of all nations!

After church, Anne invited two families, the Floras and Diersings, over to their home for lunch.  I enjoyed this so much I only managed to get a few photos (above). If we lived in Ligonier, I'd want to hang out with this crew every Sunday!  Nathan and Pastor Troy Diersing share a common love of Buckeye football and the previous day's game with Purdue was the topic of much discussion! One of my highlights from the weekend was an opportunity to get to know Gloria (Diersing) a bit better.  I've met Gloria at a few Titus retreats in the past, but this was my first time meeting her husband and children too (below)!  What a sweet, encouraging sister in Christ!

Sunday evening the Lowes opened their home for us AGAIN by hosting combined small groups and having quite a gaggle of adults and children in all areas of their house!  In the photos below you'll see Ellie with Ms. Arminda, the lady who taught her in Sunday school earlier in the day and later that night presented Ellie with the gift of her very own disposable camera!  You'll also see Nate and Anne's daughter, Lydia, checking out different items on our display table, particularly the Albanian Bible and comparing it to her English Bible.  She has a tender heart for missions and her interest and questions were a great encouragement to us!  Before we shared our testimonies and what we will be doing in Albania, Nathan did a short lesson for the children which included a slight of hand trick.  Afterwords he had a few persistent young friends who convinced him to share how the trick was performed.

Monday morning we said goodbye to the Lowes and Ligonier, but not before getting a photo with Micah and the family pet, Chance.  Seriously, one of the best behaved dogs I've met and our kids adored him.

Very thankful for this past weekend and the friends, old and new, we have up in Ligonier.  You encouraged our hearts!

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