

Titus Women's Retreat

This past weekend I was able to attend my second retreat of the year!  I know, I'm very blessed since I attended the Created For Care retreat less than a month ago!  Truth be told, had I not committed last fall to attend and document the sessions via video and photography, I could have found a good excuse not to attend this year. We've traveled out of state five of the last seven weekends and this upcoming week promises to be one of the most difficult we'll face in terms of saying our goodbye's...

Nevertheless, I was SO glad I attended.  I've been going for the past 3 or 4 years and I can't think of a warmer, more loving group of women to be with.  Two years ago I shared with them about the journey the Lord was leading us on to adopt Reni.  Then, last year I was blessed to share lessons God was teaching us through the experience of adoption, and then this year I shared about the new chapter in God's story of our family with our upcoming move to Albania.  The ladies were so sweet as to give us a share of the missions offering gathered and promise to pray for us as we proceed.  Wow.  So humbling. Needless to say, I feel a part of this unique group and it's such a privilege. And that doesn't even touch on the wonderful messages, fellowship, times of prayer, and sharing in our small table groups!  One can't attend this retreat and not be touched and challenged.

Some fun surprises were some ladies I got to be with... two special friends who also happen to be a part of our adoption group (we were not short of conversation whilst enjoying the beautiful drive through Amish Country!)  and two of the three "Harriman Sisters", Anne and Maria!  Maria is a new mommy to a special cutie recently home from Congo!  I overheard someone remark how many adoptive moms and grandmas were in the room and my heart cheered! ;-)  Scroll down to see images from the weekend and a brief slideshow set to music.

 The Inn at the Amish Door...

Speakers included Aletha Hinthorn (I LOVE her daily devotionals, really -- go subscribe via e-mail), Stephanie Hogan, Fiona Richardson (our favorite friend from Yorkshire and one of my travel mates), Betty Crouse (her missions stories are so inspiring!), and Linda Boyette.

Below: (top left) the Harriman sisters, Anne and Maria -- of course they're married now and have different last names, but I don't think they'll mind, right girls?), (top right) um, it's Amish country -- it's a given the food is yummy, though it seemed an anomaly to find a TV in our room, (bottom left) -- I love all the wonderful books that are available at these retreats-- lotsa Helen Roseveare, Isobel Kuhn and Amy Carmichael!, and (bottom right) my other travel buddy, Meg Easley, quite possibly the coolest girl who doesn't know she's cool.  Check out her graphic design company here.

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