

A Boy and His Cars

I realize that I have posted back-to-back Reni pics.  We'll get our beautiful girl on here soon.  I'm just going through a bunch of pics from our trip to Indiana this weekend and couldn't resist throwing these up on the blog.

I'm not sure if I've posted any "Reni and his cars" photos, but I could literally take dozens a day.  He has a little bag that he stows them in and will carry that bag around the house on his arm.  It sits in his high chair with him and goes in his crib when it's time to sleep.  It very rarely leaves his sight.  Somehow we forgot the car bag at home, but wouldn't you know, the Abbott Center was stocked with its own supply of matchbox cars, some very different models than his collection, and it's all Reni needed.

Yes -- his is always this orderly in "racing" his cars.  I'm pretty sure we have another "Type A" on our hands.

Here he is pointing out the 'winner.'

I want to add that his verbal skills and language comprehension continue to impress us, letting us know he really understands what's socially appropriate to say, when, and how.  (He's obviously been watching us!) For example, just a few minutes ago I was working at the table with a late lunch and he walked over and said, "Whatchu doin', Mommy?  Whatchu eating?"
Then, sounding JUST like his Aunt Hannah he says with a rising and dropping intonation, "Ohhhh!  Rah-ioli."

"I want chips.  Then I want milk.  Is that a good idea, Mommy?"

When he wakes up in his crib he has a 'patient', yet emphatic way of letting us know he's awake:  "I. WANT.OUT. NOW." (and he repeats it, over and over again).

If you confront him about misbehavior, he immediately says, "I sorry. It accident."

He's also learned the two year old mantra: "I do it myself."
Other popular phrases include, "Don't say that word!" and "No way!"

Finally, he has the cutest little slight lisp which makes every "yes" sound like "yeth" (usually accompanied by a grin).  So back earlier, when he said he wanted "chips", it sounded more like "chipsth".  Cute either way.

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