

Michigan Photos, Part 1

It's been a busy, busy time since we left Illinois with no time on the computer!  Here is a first batch of photos from our first days away!
Since we last blogged, soybeans were picked! 

On Thursday morning, we pulled out bright and early for Michigan...
A couple of hours from our destination on Thursday afternoon we found out that sickness had hit the friends were supposed to visit.  We immediately pulled off the interstate to strategize about how best to make use of our time and discovered that we recognized the town in which we had found ourselves.  A few text messages later, we had new plans for dinner with some Asbury friends, the Aukermans.  Ellie asked, "Do they have dogs?"  Reni asked, "Do they have kids?"  They were pleased on both counts!

You can see Reni no longer will stay put for a photo unless he's in arms!

Thanks, Adam and Sarah, for being such gracious, spur-of-the-moment, hosts!

The Aukermans live just a couple of miles from Lake Michigan, so we surprised the kids with a trip to see the Lake.  They were thrilled, in spite of the cold.  And we were glad for them to get some energy out before we got on the road again.

The kiddos like my bed, and are getting a jump start on devotions.

Nathan's making hot chocolate on the stove top -- a special treat on a chilly night! The RV has kept us cozy at night.

On Friday night we made our way to the central part of the state for our friend Meredith's wedding.  She made arrangements for us to park and hook up at her church.  The set up was perfect.

Sunday morning after the wedding, we were pleased to attend church with them and Nathan shared a word about what we're going to be doing in Albania.

Sunday before church we were invited to enjoy breakfast at a local B&B with the bride's parents and grandparents.

Reni requested this photo with a Santa ornament he found and liked.

After church we made our way back west again to Grand Rapids where we had supper with the Baron family.  Katie and I have been corresponding for almost four years but have never had the opportunity to meet in person before!  One of their daughters was adopted from Albania.  I'll let you try to guess which one!

Once again, Ellie found a canine friend that she effectively wore out.

We're in Michigan for another day and then off to Kentucky!

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