


To say that I enjoyed VBS as a child is an understatement.  When I was too old to attend as a participant, I can't remember exactly, but I think I volunteered nearly every year until I went to college.  Pam visiting me from Scotland?  No biggie, we'll do VBS while she's in town!  So when my friend Ruth offered to escort Ellie so she could attend VBS at her church (Wilmore Free Methodist), I was so excited for Ellie to get to experience something I had enjoyed so much as a child!  (Our church does Winshape all-day camp, not VBS).

Ruth and Ellie
 The national park theme was executed unbelievably!  Every day we went to pick up Ellie, Reni begged to come along (he also begged to stay, too -- kinda sad) so he could see the animals.

The music room... (there was also a 'cave' room, and a 'fireside' room, among many others).

Sunday night we attended the weeks' final celebration night.  Ellie was SO excited to perform, before we arrived, she asked if she'd get to hold a microphone.  No, we do not watch those singing competition shows on TV.

Um, yes, I realize now that she may have outgrown these clothes.
 I love the look of intensity on her face below!  It was so neat to see her singing so enthusiastically.  And if she didn't know the words, she kept right up with the actions!

Now, as Ellie jumps on her trampoline, we hear a lot of, "It's gonna be a cool, cool summer!  Learning to trust in Jesus!..."  I can't tell you how that makes my heart smile!

1 comment:

Yvette said...

So cute!! We love VBS - the littles highlight of the year!!