

Cell Phone Dump ... Oldies but Goodies

While I got a new phone over 7 months ago, I never took the photos and videos off my old phone until now.  Thought I'd share some photo gems I found (in between a lot of blurry images taken by Ellie)...

Watch the video below til the end... (waiting for Nonna and PaPa to arrive for a weekend visit) some things just don't wait. March 5, 2010.

Waiting to board our flight from Lexington to Reagan National... on our way to meet Reni!  6/28/2010, 6:28AM

Jet-lagged and obviously HOT .. Ellie was pretty much unresponsive once she got horizontal here on Jan's couch during our long layover coming home from Albania, August 5, 2010, 8:03PM (below).  That was a trip I'll never forget!

Always a cutie... home less than 2 weeks, catching a ride on the vac (9/2/2010).

First visit to the public pool.  Evidently very tiring!  9/6/2010

Digging these shopping carts at Krogers!  Little did we know how long the car obsession would last!  9/19/2010

Skipping ahead 6 months... outside the Ohio Theater on a Girls Only excursion with Nonna to see Mary Poppins! 4/23/2011

This I just don't get... the girl who can be afraid of EVERYTHING was more than happy to hold this on her lap.  The video below may be a big surprise to Ellie's grandma's... and no, it is NOT our snake. 9/26/2010

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