

Meeting 'old' friends...

One of the really cool blessings about walking the path of adoption are the wonderful families one gets to meet along the way.  I want to say it was sometime in 2009 I 'met' Jennifer Santor via e-mail as someone whose family was contemplating adopting from the Bethany-Albania program. (Was that through Katie Baron, whom [ahem] I've yet to meet in real life, either?).  We discovered we had a lot in common (where to begin?), and thanks to the blogosphere, we 'followed' each other's families as within months of each other we brought home sons from Eastern Europe (due to the Bethany-Albania program closing, the Lord directed them to Bulgaria where they found their son, Andrew).

Having participated in a pretty amazing Bulgarian-adoptive families get together in Cincinnati this past weekend, the Santor family pre-arranged to stop by and meet us on their way home to Georgia. Under almost any other circumstance, it might sound totally strange to have folks over for supper whom you've never met before in person.  But this isn't the first time we've done this (e.g. Diana N and Lindsey C!) and it was a real treat to fill in some gaps and talk about all those things that don't make it on the blog.  By the end of the evening we were making tentative plans to visit their home sometime next year!

Thanks, Santors, for veering off the interstate to come down to Wilmore!  We appreciate your love for the Lord, your heart for missions and orphans, and the testimony of your family! So cool that we can be 'real' friends now! ;-)

1 comment:

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

Thank you for opening your home up to our crazy family. I'm so glad we got to meet and we can call you friends now to those who don't understand our bloggy/email friendship in the adoption world.