

Mail's Here!

Who doesn't love going to the mailbox at this time of year?  Special thanks to those of you who've sent us Christmas greetings! I LOVE seeing your family photos and reading about your year's experiences!  I am getting special prolonged enjoyment thanks to this nifty cardholder I got at a fundraiser for our friends, Charley and Jackie, who are headed soon to Taiw*n with their son, John, to work at the orphanage where John spent his first months of life. (We'll miss you guys, but SO believe in what you're going to do!!!)

Ellie and Reni got a special package this week, "just because."  Since the gifter wasn't present to see their faces and enjoyment, I'm posting a few pics here...  Thank you!

Merry Christmas to you, our friends and family -- and check YOUR mailboxes soon (electronic or real-life) for something from our family to you! ;-)

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

How fun to see Ellie and Reni open their gifts!!! Aunt Ruth recognizes the printing on the front of the package!!! I love your Christmas card holder!!! All our love to each of the Nathan Waggoner family!!!