

Christmas Cute

The kiddos with Aunt Rebecca on Christmas Eve

These photos are for the benefit of my Mom, who found the dress that Ellie is wearing for sale at a shop in Albania.  Taken aback at the price, Mom looked a little closer and was thrilled to discover on the tag that it had originally been purchased at Sears!  A little investigation uncovered the same dress online for 1/3 of the price!  Then, mom found Reni's outfit so they could both look spiffy on Christmas and had them shipped to us.  This is Reni's first tie!  In case you noticed, the fuzzy cuffs were a bit of an irritant to Els -- I was grateful that rolling them back was sufficient to her as I was afraid the dress wasn't going to make it out the door on her body!

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Beautiful children!!! Beautiful outfits!!! I miss being able to "dress" my granddaughters--but they are high schoolers now and they choose their own outfits which is only normal and right.