

"Lookit, Mommy!"

This week on campus we focused on missions through what we call our Great Commission Congress.  This is great, and what we're all about, however it also meant Daddy was gone a lot.  So on mornings like today, the kids may or may not have been in their PJs until, oh, I won't say what hour.  Thankfully they got some fun new things in the mail this week to entertain them which Reni was very proud to display this morning for your viewing pleasure.

Again, forgive the attire.  And lack of combed hair.  We didn't know a "blog moment" was going to unfold.  Or that I might actually have a camera in arm's reach... that also contained a memory card with space!

Ta da!
Coming soon: I PROMISE, photos of Reni and his new legs!

1 comment:

Learning Together at Home said...

LOVE the holey pants. They are so familiar. He's such a cutie! And as for the pj's? Well, I just call them treat days. :)