

Empowered to Parent

If you are a reader within 100 mile radius of Lexington, this is for you!

In our monthly adoptive parents group we've been watching Dr. Purvis videos on her Trust Based Relational Intervention method and it's been SO beneficial, especially in understanding and working with our Ellie.  We are excited that a couple of her colleagues from TCU are coming to Lexington next weekend to lead a 2-day intensive workshop.  We'll be attending and wanted to spread the word, albeit a little bit last-minute!  You may be an adoptive parent or know someone who is parenting a child from a hard place (early trauma, multiple foster placements, orphanage/institutionalization, etc.). Follow this link for more information!


Unknown said...

sadly, too far. But, looks great. Wish I could come!

Learning Together at Home said...

We are just now working through a pile of the TCU videos. Such good meat in them. Wish we were closer to one of their seminars. HOpe you enjoyed it!