

Saying goodbye

After church this morning, we enjoyed lunch with PaPa and Nonna at a downtown deli & bakery.  As the time approached to say goodbye, Ellie repeated her question, "How many sleeps 'til Christmas?"  Then, as plates were cleared, she started bargaining.  "How 'bout YOU make a paper chain, Mommy, til you come pick me up at Nonna's house?"

(above) Ellie thought it was funny to eat off all the decorations from her gingerbread man cookie first.
(below) this is Reni's way of "kissing" -- pressing cheek to cheek.

The picture below is heartbreaking for me.  As a mom, it upsets me to see Ellie so distraught (transitions are just plain hard for her).  But I'm also so appreciative that she loves her grandparents so much (she has done this the past several 'goodbyes' with both sets of grandparents).

She eventually calmed down and eased herself through the transition telling me the things she missed about home.  Her number one thing she was looking forward to at home?  Her cereal.  Ha!

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Oh how I love the blog. It helps me keep up with Ellie and Reni's activities, growth and development.
Audrey abd Tessa used to cry also when they were little-- when it was time to say good-bye.
So happy for Ellie and her great vocabulary skills!!! Reni is absolutely a precious treasure also. He is one handsome youngester!! We send hugs to both Ellie and Reni!!!