

Warning! Cute Boy Alert!

It's been a while since I've documented some of our little man's milestones and I periodically need to do this here as part of my journaling (since this is as good as it gets for me)!

As you know, kids at this age can really change rapidly.  Where we see this in Reni right now is in his verbal skills.  He's regularly communicating in sentences.  It's no longer a matter of stringing together 3 or 4 words.

Case in point:  Last night I watched Reni scoot a stool over to the media bookcase (which is 5 shelves high) and hoist himself up on the second shelf.

Me: What are you doing?
Reni:  I trying to get the i-Pow (his interchangeable word for i-Pad or i-Pod).

The "i-Pow" was on the top shelf.  I didn't even know he could see it, let alone realize he thought he might actually be able to scale that piece of furniture.

He also regularly asks these questions:  "What's that?", "Why?" and "What's that mean?".

Yes, he's 2 years and 2 months ... going on 20.

He's still super crazy about those things with 4 wheels.  Most recently he told me excitedly that we had a firetruck in the backyard (it was just the contractor's red pick up truck).

Our little guy has gotten quite attached to a fleecy blanket and doggie snuggle toy.  This is a new thing for me since Ellie never had a comfort item, and neither did my sisters or I growing up.  We frequently hear, "I want Puppy!" or "I want blankie!" over and over until said item is securely under his arm.  Right now, it's kinda cute.

I think we have two oldest children in our family.  Reni has taken on Ellie's bossy-older-sibling tone and turns it back on her.  He will furrow his brow, raise his right index finger and sternly say, "Elisona! No!"  It cracks. us. up.  He'll also do the same thing to visiting children who might be unknowingly breaking one of our house rules.  Yep.  Two Boss Hog's in this family.

When something exciting is about it happen, he'll suck in air and say, "ohhhh!" just like his sister.

 Speaking of "no", apparently, as he's gotten older, he's also outgrown his previous opinions because he'll say, "I want a snack."  To which I run through a litany of (traditionally favorite) options, to which he will say "no" after each suggestion.  His tastes are starting to change.  Or he could just be TWO!

Next week he gets new legs!  Can't wait to post video of him in those for you!  The prosthetist at Shriners was VERY complimentary of Reni's performance in the rough fit and optimistic that he going to be as ambulatory as any above-the-knee-double-amputee he's treated!

Reni boy, we love you!  What a gift you are to our family!


iaandbob said...

He is incredibly cute!!

Doreen Nixon said...

He is too cute and as bright as a button as well. Love the pictures he is looking great and I love that smile it could melt anyone's heart!
Can't wait to see him on his new legs.

Aunt Ruth said...

What a beautiful, handsome boy!!! And so intelligent also!!! Yes, he is a gift!! We're anxiously waiting to see his new legs. Love and Prayers,