

Goat Roast 2011

On Saturday we hosted our biggest event of the year, an African Goat Roast.  It was idea cooked up by our cabinet 7 years ago and has kind of taken on a life of its own.  I don't even know how to begin to describe it but thought some photos might help. 

Let me preface them by saying that the primary objective is to draw students to our facility whom might not otherwise come so they might be more comfortable returning and familiar with who we are (personally and as a missions organization).  On a small Christian campus that is admittedly "over-programmed" you have to do something a little different to stand out.  What's something different to do in Wilmore than eat goat?  Given that our organization serves in several east African nations where goat is regularly eaten, particularly at celebrations, this seemed like a perfectly appropriate "party" to throw.

Thankfully, we have access to some cool African novelties to give an authentic feel to our shindig -- like a real zebra pelt from Nathan's missionary grandparents, which they hunted back in the 60s when they hunted for their food, not to poach!  Or how about an elephant ear shield which was a gift from the Maasai?  Other spears, gourds, and necklaces (all from  Kenya) were on loan from our dear friends, the Lauters.

Yes, we roast a real, Jessamine County goat on the firepit. (I'll spare you the photos of the butchering, though the PG-rated images can be viewed on the Facebook album here).

For those who want goat in an easier to consume manner, we serve stew.  Lots of it.  Like 30 gallons of it.

Our recipe might be a little "Americanized".  It's basically vegetable soup (green beans, tomatoes, corn, potatoes and carrots), but with goat meat.  Served over rice and with a wedge of bread it's a stomach-filling meal on a chilly autumn evening!

It's a GREAT night to spend with friends (like hundreds of them)!

... and play games, like volleyball, cornhole, hillybilly horseshoes...

... or make up games of your own!

There's also great sweets, like make-your-own caramel apples...

...or s'mores

And make some memories that you can take home for a cheap price at our Photo Booth...

...while listening to some great live music! (and for those of you who say I'm never on the blog, you can see me below.  This photo and the following one are courtesy of Aaron Holmes, shooting on my camera).

And for the really adventurous, you can take a turn crawling through our pitch-black, multi-level, cardboard box maze!

But if you're too scared to try that, you can settle for watching your friends on the live feed downstairs, thanks to a night vision video camera planted in the maze.

And now, I want to take a nap and forget about all the stuff still piled in the garage that needs to be sorted and stored until next year...

To view more photos from the event, click here.

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

What a great creative event!!! God bless you in your ministry.