

Video Update of Reni and His Legs

Many of you ask how Reni is doing in his legs. As we may have shared before, his current prosthetics are really starter legs. They are for learning how to balance and do basic movements, but not for full-time mobility. He can get around MUCH more quickly and easily without them, but they are nevertheless important for building strength and developing skills for more sophisticated prosthetics later. In addition to what he demonstrates here, he is learning how to shift his weight (or alternate his weight) between heel and toe on opposite feet, step backwards, and turn, reach, and bend for objects just out of arm's reach. There are so many motions that you and I take for granted which Reni must learn to master with a different body length given to him while wearing prosthetics.

His progress pleases us, especially given that he has already outgrown these current legs (several months ago actually) so these legs do not stay straight nor sit as high up on his thighs as they used to (resulting in much less control than they were designed to afford). He returns to Shriners on Friday for a new fitting. We didn't realize when setting the appointment back in September that Nathan would not be in town (he's leaving for Haiti on Friday) and so I will be going alone. We have some questions and requests, so if you think of me, pray that I might remember everything I want to ask and for boldness if necessary!

As you watch this video, I want you to know that as proud as we are of Reni for his strength and determination, we are as proud of Ellie for the selfless encouragement she gives him as she urges him to reach his goal. My heart bursts for both of my children. How are we so blessed?


Aunt Ruth said...

Way to go Reni!!! We are thrilled with your progress. Ellie we know you are doing well at school and we are very proud of you also. Nathan we will pray for your missions trip. Cydil, we will pray for you with Reni's appt. on Friday.

Lindsey Carney said...

Great job Reni! What a sweet, sweet sister!

Kelly said...

You are so blessed! Your family and your posts always leave me smiling or pondering God's truth. What a light you are!!! :)

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

Ellie is an amazing big sister. I love how she encourages him to come using Buzz. She's so clever. I love reading your updates. Your children are so adorable. I love your hearts!!!