

Pictures of the Kids for the Grandparents & Dad

This is a post that is purely for the benefit of family who are interested in such things... don't feel obligated to read (as is always the case)!

First up, Thursday night's spring music program at the Jessamine Early Learning Village.  There are presently 630 or so Kindergarteners in our county, so this program was presented 3 different times in the early evening and the parking and gym seating were carefully coordinated to accommodate the numerous friends and family who turned out to attend.  In the rush to find some space on the bleachers after they opened the doors, we didn't realize we were on the OPPOSITE end of the gym as Ellie's class (in spite of them sending us a map ahead of time, we still managed to get it wrong).  Get out your magnifying glass and look for the pretty girl in the pony tail and green sweater.

Below, singing the "Aardvark" Song

Not so difficult to find our girl... she had such a great time gently waving her scarf to a musical interlude from Beauty and the Beast that she missed her cue to stop and sit down.

Hey!  I see you Mom, Dad, and Reni!

I brought my camera to Reni's appointment at Shriners and completely forgot to get any photos with Faith.  This was taken while we waited to be seen.  Reni is keeping his current set of legs for another six months.

Today... working on writing sheets after school.

Reni has turned into a BIG copycat of his big sister.  It's SO cute.  He was very happy to get his own paper and pen to do his homework.

Then his sister felt compelled to critique his pen-holding form and his scratches on the paper.
Seriously, I melt watching these two interact with each other.  Reni has taken to spontaneously hugging her, and Ellie will put on her babysitter hat and say silly things to him while tickling him, which he loves.

Not feeling particularly friendly towards the camera, Ellie hides behind her homework.

1 comment:

NCWaggoner said...

Ellie and Reni, Daddy is so proud of you! Keep working hard on your letters Els! Be good for mommy! Cydil, it looks like you are holding down the fort well. Love you all and miss you!!!