

18 months

Our boy turned 18 months old today! Folks tell us he's talking more than the last time they saw him (most having seen him not that long ago)! He LOVES to make animal noises. New words include, "please", "cracker", "balloon", "cookie", "drink", "thank you", "Bible", and "Buh" (for Buzz Lightyear). His favorite book is a board book about trucks. And his favorite trucks and tractors have beds or scoops -- which he can load with more cars or trucks -- or hitches which he can connect together like a line of train cars. His throwing arm is getting stronger. He's definitely all BOY! His ears are still giving us trouble which means his sleep is not so great (correlated to the ears). An appointment has been made with an ENT! I'm very tired (because of a few particularly rough nights), so I may amend this post later with a more thorough list of our big boy's accomplishments as I'm sure to remember a few more (yeah, we're more than a little bit proud of him)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have every reason to be proud of Reni. He's talking a lot sooner that some children. Audrey and Tim were over 3 years old before they said much of anything. They are both successful now, just were slow to start talking.
We are bracing for the big storm and praying the electricity stays on. Love, Aunt Ruth