

Lights... Camera...

Like any child his age, Reni is extremely curious with the contents of any bag within his reach. This morning his dad left two camera bags on the floor by the door. Nathan thought it wouldn't hurt anything to show him one of the cameras and went so far to hook everything up and give Reni the full effect.

(below) peek-a-boo! I see you there, too, mom!

Then, just so you know that we do say "no", here's Reni's face when we put it all away...

A few quick milestones and updates on our boy:
Animal noises -- he loves 'em. He started out with just 'moo' and 'roar!' and now he does 'neigh' and 'woof' and 'meow'. He's particularly proud of this skill.

He will now initiate "peek a boo" on his own. He's learned to say "off!" and frequently asks for his clothes to be removed. This morning he was frustrated and saying "on! on!" to try to put on some of Ellie's slippers. He was extremely disappointed that they didn't stay on, poor guy.

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Quite the camera man!!! Reni looks more like his Waggoner Cousins all the time. His dark eyes make him a true Waggoner!!!