

Ellie's New Wheels

Ellie got an amazing Christmas gift this year. For practical reasons, it was delivered to our home, so she didn't learn about it until several days after Christmas. And after that, it required 18 hours of charging before it would be "road ready". ;-) Can I insert here that as a child I would drool over these in the toy section department store catalogs? As you can tell, Ellie was quite excited that the day her jeep was ready, the weather cooperated so she could take her wheels for a spin outside without many obstacles or space constraints like she would have indoors.

Reni was eager to join her and thankfully this model was equipped with seat belts. I don't know if you can tell or not, but Ellie has a lead foot. She would also drive gangbusters right up to whatever might be in her way (the basketball posts, the garage door, a car, etc.) and just when we thought she was going to hit it, she would stop. And other times she wouldn't. Nathan and I were laughing so hard. Don't worry. Neither child was in any danger. We just couldn't seem to capture those moments on video.

Ellie quickly decided she was the police and she was going to chase us, the "bad people", down in her police car. Reni was her loyal sidekick who was given no responsibilities. Not even the job of writing tickets. But he was permitted to change the radio channel.

(Below) Here she is giving Nathan a ticket. The next photo she is pointing him the way to jail. Incidentally, she has never been with her parents when they have been pulled over or ticketed. I don't know where she learns these things!
(Below) I included this one just because I love how laid back Reni looks with his arm behind the seat! Also, Ellie won't let us tie her hat strings under her chin due to sensory-related issues of hers. And because of her pony tail, it just didn't sit right on her head. Combined with the intensity of her driving, it added to the humor of her look . Is that bad?


Aunt Ruth said...

What FUN!!!!

The Wofford family said...

No, that's not bad...we laugh at our kids all the time!

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

Those pics were great. I laughed so hard when you said Ellie decided she was the police. Sam would have done the exact same thing and does, but without the motorized vehicle! I agree with the other comment....we laugh at Sam all the time too. They are just funny!


Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness, we have laughed and laughed over these pictures! The only thing better would have been to be there! Both Ellie and Reni tell the story with their expressions...Ellie, so intent, and Reni, just enjoying the ride!!
We'll go back to view these over and over!

Love to each of you,
Dad and Mom Waggoner