


I have a camera lens I rarely use because frankly, it has me intimidated. In an effort to stretch myself (and find more ways to use it so it wasn't a complete misuse of money to buy it), I've challenged myself to shoot with no other lens for at least a couple of weeks. And in the meantime, document some more of the bits and pieces that make up everyday life for our family...

Ellie's nature has always craved routine. As a child with little control over much in life, predictability is understandably comfortable. It can be frustrating and difficult for Ellie (and thus all of us in our household) if deviations need to be made. But on the other hand, routine can ensure that important things do not fall by the way side in the name of efficiency or out of sheer laziness. Part of our evening routine includes Bible story time right after putting on jammies. Reni's attention span lasts all of 30 seconds, but we trust that bits and pieces are not falling on deaf ears while he plays quietly on the floor. Ellie's favorite request is to hear the story of Jesus dying on the cross, but we've been able to make our way methodically through a series of children's Bible story books to round out her knowledge. We are presently reading the Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name. There is slightly more text than other books we have read with her, but it presents stories in a slightly different, lyrical way that Ellie can enjoy.

This particular night we had reached the story of David and Goliath. This is a story that she is especially familiar with -- one that we discussed repeatedly as we prepared for David Reni's arrival. Ellie craves routine but she's also attracted to episodes of excitement and adventure -- and this story packs that in spades. While many of us think about the 5 little stones, she's fascinated with the size of Goliath's sword.
Counting the stones...

Evenings can be somewhat hectic given the nature of life at the student center and bedtime can start anywhere between 7:30 and 9:00, depending on the night. But following this pattern has been a wonderful way to close out our day together and prepare little heads for sleep, regardless of what time the clock says.


Anonymous said...

Oh how precious!!! I can go to bed with a thankful smile on my face for your darling Ellie!!!

Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth

Kelly said...

What a sweet routine to follow. And how important to fill their little hearts with scripture. I love all the pictures.

Rutledge 7 said...

this is a favorite at our house! your children are beautiful and look full of joy!