

More catching up...

Hi everyone -- so much to catch up on, I don't know where to start. As with you, our hearts are grieved for the pain and suffering in Haiti. We knew half a dozen people who were in Haiti at the time of the quake and thankfully they are all safe, though surely changed for their experiences. You can read one of those accounts from a fellow Asburian and church family member on a blog here. Some of them are returning home now, and we know others who are headed down to help in the relief work. I've been following in particular the efforts to secure emergency visas for the many orphans who were about to be adopted to families in the States. I can't imagine being so close to bringing my child home, only to helplessly witness from afar the present struggles and hear the stories about their lack of food and shelter.

On a completely different note, we are presently involved replacing our kitchen floor. The house is an absolute wreck. The oven is in the living room, the kitchen table, hutch, original quarter-round, etc. crammed in the dining room. The porch is littered with saw dust, power tools, and scraps of the old linoleum. It's all worth it to see the pretty new flooring go in, though not without its drama (like burning up an air compressor). We detected evidence of water damage early in the fall, but didn't have the time to tackle the problem until now. I will have photos soon (when I can show the after next to the 'before'. All I can say is ICK!

As you can see from the photos above, Ellie's having fun playing in the boxes, engaging her imagination as usual. She's also enjoyed playing nurse to bandage my blistered hand (from pulling staples out of the floor). I wish I could help Nathan and Mark more, but then again, keeping Ellie occupied and out of the fray is help enough, I'm told!

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