

Found: Tua's 3rd Birthday

We celebrated Tua's birthday all day on the 31st. Ellie was particularly excited that Gigi had the whistles where 'the papers come out.'

Pip showing off her goodbye wave

Lunch was at the McDonald's play place in Pekin.
The girls loved it.

Later that evening we had a chili supper with Bug's high school friend, Billy and his family.


Didn't have the flash on my camera, but couldn't resist snapping the photo below.
Isn't Pippa the sweetest? You're not too bad either, Seth.

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

I love the new kitchen floor! We can't wait to see each of our Waggoner nieces and nephews.It will be a year in June since we're seen them!! We're praying for Ellie's new sister or brother.