

Snapshots from Edinburgh

hiking below the castle
Simon likely explaining take offs on primitive African airstrips

for my family -- yes, this is Pam's daughter. She is quite the girly-girl, though Pam is quick to point out that she can climb any tree like a regular monkey and has no fear

Nathan with the other "wee bairn", Joshua
It's been so nice to finally meet these kids and we love 'em. They're great.

Lunch today at MacKenzies. We ate here the day after Pam and Simon's wedding nearly 9 years ago. Can we say YUM?

They told us that Zara has a serious sweet tooth and I learned that they weren't exaggerating. She came and stood at my elbow, asking if she could eat the white chocolate stick garnish on my dessert place. Of course, with those eyes I couldn't say "no."

This afternoon in front of Wester Hailes Baptist Church. It was so cool to be back here again. (This is where I stayed for two weeks with my team in 1991 and met Pam -- and where Pam and Simon married in 2000. Tons of memories flooded back during church this morning).

Saturday night at Lillian's birthday party.
(L-R -- Lillian, Karen, Kira, Pam, me, Sharon)
We had a great time!

We ate Saturday lunch in Princes Street gardens. The photo doesn't do it justice.

Didn't realize this post would revolve so much around food. What's a trip to Scotland without fish and chips? This is at the Ocean Terminal (where the Royal yacht, Brittania, is docked). The fork is held for size reference. We seriously could have split one order.

Nathan took this photo. Pretty cool, eh?
Off to Peebles in the morning. So blessed to be here. Though we haven't seen Pam and Simon since 2001 (they are missionaries with MAF in Uganda), we've picked up with them like the 8 years were 8 weeks.
Just the vacation, er, holiday, we needed.

1 comment:

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Awesome! I'd so love to go to Europe one day... Sigh... :)