


"Help! Help! Help me, Miss Daddy!" (getting her foot stuck in the door, after apparently a long week at school)

"What a cutie!" (Hugging birthday boy, Timmy Bowen at his 3rd birthday party on Saturday).

"You're in timeout!" (A new game she was devising last night while playing with her best "big" friend, Mark).

"Five minutes!" (how long all of her college friends had to sit in time out, when it was their turn)

"Are you kidding?" (playing right now with three 'talking' balloons)

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" (anytime she doesn't want to do something)

"Hello World!" (excitedly waving out the window of our 'new for a year' loaner Taurus, which has windows that go down in the backseat, unlike our Grand Caravan).

"You're kuwaffle, Mommy!" (Today after lunch. Any ideas anyone?)


Meredith said...

so precious! I think my favorite is "Hello World!" haha

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

On the Kuwaffle, I think she may have been calling you a Koala holding a waffle, so take that as you will. That is my best guess! I can't believe how much she is growing up. Can't wait to see her in October. Miss you guys and am praying for your second.
