

So Long, ol' pal

In a June post I shared how Ellie purchased some pets of her own, two sweet hermit crabs named Marty and Crush. At the time, we had no idea how fond Ellie would become of these two little guys. Even when they would pinch her fingers after moments of 'too much loving', Ellie wouldn't hold a grudge. There would be no easier way to cheer her up then to pull the crabs out of their cage and watch them meander around the floor. One morning several weeks ago we were saddened to see that Crush failed to 'wake up.' We quietly disposed of him without any mention to Ellie. She would occasionally ask about him, but seemed satisfied to play with Marty since she usually only played with one at a time anyway.

Then, while we were in Scotland we received an e-mail that Marty was non-responsive and had joined Crush on that sandy beach in the sky. When we returned from our trip, Gjyshe had a little ceremony for Marty which we documented below.

Now, if you ask Ellie where Marty went, she will respond, "In a hole at Gigi's house."

Marty, Crush... though you were not with us long, you found a little place in our hearts. Thanks for bringing Ellie so much joy. We're just sorry that you met untimely ends.


Meredith said...

Aww that's sad! Does Ellie understand what happened to them? My parents would always have a little ceremony when our pets died too. It always meant a lot to me that they took the time to do that.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Ahh... the loss of pets... never easy. :(

The Wofford family said...

Will you get some more hermit crabs? Or will you graduate to a hamster? :)

Aunt Ruth said...

I remember a final good-bye with "taps" when Aunt Becca's cat past.