

Summer Pics (in no particular order)

Paddling on the Pekin Lagoon brought back lots of memories of birthday parties here for Bug.
I sure hope those aren't the same boats we used nearly 20 years ago.

In June (I told you I was behind in my blogging), we got a visit from our friend, Jennifer. Jennifer served on our student cabinet a few years ago. A self-described blog stalker ( ;-) ), Jennifer thought it was time she paid us a visit in person! We're so glad she did!

While we were in Illinois over July 4 the Hogues hosted a little get together. We told Ellie there would be swimming at the lake, however, an infestation of bees on the dock kept us out (especially after Nathan sprayed their nest and made them REALLY 'welcoming'). Fortunately Aunt Marcia has a hot tub! That seemed to substitute just fine!

Ellie with her 2nd cousin, Jaedyn.

Isn't this just so pitiful? Because of ear infections, Sam was not allowed into the hot tub with the rest of the cousins. He seemed to accept the fact that he would just have to watch the fun from a distance. I don't think I could have done so well at that age!

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