

Ellie Changes

photo courtesy of

It's officially 'fall.' Yes, I know it's not really fall fall, but you know what I mean. The school buses are rumbling by our house several times a day, the commuter lot across the street is full, college football starts next weekend and the population of Wilmore has doubled with the return of the undergraduate population. It's great.

I've also noticed that in the last week Ellie has started talking. I mean really talking. In the last couple of days, she has uttered phrases like, "Just a minute", "Actually, I want..." and "I figure he's [Reagan] hungry." I knew that kids go from baby talk to talking in complete sentences over time, but I didn't know it would happen this dramatically. We did notice this summer that she would engage in much more dramatic play than ever before (usually talking/babbling salt and pepper shakers, hair spray bottles, or french fries) -- I think she's been practicing when we were not super attentive and BAM! Our girl can speak in sentences! One of her other favorite phrases is to say, "I love _______." Today she said, "I love mac 'n cheese." Last night she said, "I love lots of kisses. Mommy, Daddy -- kiss!! Like rabbits!" Whuuuhh? Don't know where THAT came from!

And with the talking has come a more content spirit. Mind you, she can still get worked up and whine. But thankfully, it seems to be diminishing (we had some rough patches! Just ask my mom and dad about their week with her last month).

She also seems MUCH more affectionate. She wants to give everyone hugs! We were eating at the local Mexican restaurant and every time Jose` or his assistant would come to our table, Ellie would spread her arms and say, "Gimme a hug!" We eventually had to tell her to stop! This is from the girl that would not lay her head on my shoulder or give us a kiss for her entire first year with us!

She also seems to be very thoughtful. This morning, for example, as Jan was leaving, Ellie was concerned that she say 'good bye' to Jan in the parking lot. Then she wanted a hug. Then she wanted a kiss. Then she wanted "lots of kisses." Then, unprompted, she said to Jan, "Thank you for playing with me!" Then everything was fine.

Okay, one last thing. The other night Jan took some family photos for us. We were trying to communicate to Ellie the definition of the word family. It seemed to click. Periodically, she would point to each of us respectively and say, "Mommy, Daddy, Ellie. Falimy!" She knew we belonged together. This would be followed by a huge grin. Oh my goodness! Melt my heart!!!

It might sound surprising to many of you, but the greatest changes we have seen in Ellie in 2009 would be a more evident sign of attachment to us. It wasn't until January of this year that she showed any real excitement over seeing us return from being away for an evening. Then it evolved into a fear of us leaving her -- even if it was to go into the next room (this still occurs -- she can work herself up into heaving, heartbreaking sobs (on the verge of going berserk) if she turns around and you're "gone" -- it's frustrating some days to have a four year old literally clinging to your shirt tale while you're trying to put laundry away or wanting to hold your hand while you're taking the garbage up to the street. But it's also so, so, sad for me to imagine her not having anyone to love or love her in return those first 17 months of life. And that after more than two and a half years with us, she's finally allowed herself to be loved and love others in return. It's the best thing yet.


Melissa and Bob said...

Awesome post and I am so happy for all of you, what a lift off Ellie's heart it must be to let you and Nathan in! A true blessing.

Joann said...

I am puddling a bit. How touching! Ellie is blossoming.

Aunt Ruth said...

Oh my goodness!!! What a joy to read this posting!!! "Love" has--- and continues to bless Ellie and her precious parents. We are so happy and thrilled with you. God is GOOD!

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness! What a blessing!

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

it is truly amazing what a family, love and belonging can bring out with time and healing. This is a beautiful picture of our walk with Christ. thank you for sharing that.


Palmer said...

It's so interesting to read how those 17 months have impacted Ellie. I don't believe we've run into anything like that with Melody, who we got at 11 months. I'm so glad to hear of the progress you're making!