

Meeting Great-Grandpa and Grandma Whiteford

(Again, these photos were taken several days ago during our visit to Illinois.)
Here Ellie enjoys a book with Great Grandpa Whiteford bought for her by her grandparents (vanOrman) in Albania, the story of Pinochio. The text is in Shqip (Albanian) so we may try to get a recording of someone reading it to her in Albanian that we can put on CD. Wouldn't that be neat?


hannah vanorman said...

hey nathan and cydil
AUNT hannah is leave her comment on the blog I can wait to see you for ester next week aunt hannah said love this piture of ellie

Simon and Pam Wunderli said...

Great photos of Ellie with her Great Grandparents. Wow what a heritage!! Please pass our greetings onto them when you next chat.