

Watch a movie, support adoption!

A few week's ago we saw a preview for the film, The Greatest Gift, before watching another film we recommend, Amazing Grace.

This week we received an e-mail from Bethany (our adoption agency) saying that if one buys a ticket (following the directions below) to see The Greatest Gift this weekend, Bethany will receive $1 for every ticket sold!

Click here to view the trailer...

Bethany Christian Services will receive $1 for every ticket you purchase using these instructions:
Go to
Select The Ultimate Gift and enter your zip code
Choose the theater you prefer to attend
Enter code: 500421 as you complete your purchase
The Ultimate Gift will inspire you and help you consider your legacy of faith for your family.

Here's a little bit about what Bethany does in Albania alone besides facilitating adoptions...(from their website)
"Bethany has been active in the country of Albania since 1991 when we began working with the Government prior to the democratic elections. One of the early activities was our work to assist the government in establishing a school of social work at the University of Tirana. Within a few years, hundreds of social workers graduated from the programs and were integrated into the community. In addition, Bethany built homes for orphaned and abandoned children on a campus outside the capital... Bethany provides a variety of services for the children and families in Albania. We have medical clinics in which we serve families, especially women and children. There are also social workers in hospitals, providing vital information to mothers, and social workers in schools where children are at very high risk for institutionalization and separation from their families.Bethany provides support for international adoptions to the U.S.A. by working with the government as a licensed adoption agency. There are unwed women being supported by our Shepherding Program until they are ready to return home. The staff goes to high schools and the university campus to lecture about sexual issues, including STD prevention and personal responsibility. Our BATI program provides professional training and education for professionals in the field of social and medical services and human welfare."

1 comment:

hannah vanorman said...

hey nathan and cydil
iam leave my comment on your blog aunt hannah said