

Play time with Els

Tomorrow we have our joint meeting with Ellie's therapists to divvy up her allotted therapy hours between them all. It's going to be a difficult decision making process because she needs help in all areas (most of her assessments have her operating at the level of a 6-9month old in nearly every level -- social, cognitive, developmental, physical, etc.). We'll keep you posted as to the results!


Anonymous said...

Well, she certainly isn't behind when it comes to mugging for the camera! Love it. And love the little sweater too.
Aunt Dianna

hannah vanorman said...

hey cydil and nathan
love this piture of ellie on the blog and leave my comment on your blog aunt hannah said

bug seth tua pip said...

Even though it will be hard to make a decision, it must be nice to see her getting one on one attention by professionals. Great pictures. Reagan looks like he really enjoys spending time with Elisona. Does he get to sit in on the therapy sessions, too?