

Please Pray!

Today with Elisona was the best day we have had so far. She was pleasant all morning with lots of un-solicited smiles (and some from daddy’s tickles). She put weight on her legs for the first time as well this morning, and while she needed help with balance, she definitely was standing. Then the thing that got this daddy’s heart the most was that right before lunch, she fell asleep in my arms! She has a cute little snore! This afternoon was also good with more “talking” than ever before. I am sure I heard a DaDa in there somewhere, but even if I did, it was at excitement with a toy and not directed to me. Right before supper and bedtime, Ellie started playing with my goatee. Those minutes were the best “face to face” times I have had since I have been here.

So we must be going to bed with happy hearts right? Unfortunately, there are some unexpected bumps in the road that we have been navigating today. First, we found out at 11:30 this morning that a psychologist needed to observe us with Elisona before the court date tomorrow. The observation went well, and we feel that he is going to recommend us. The only problem is that he will not have his report done by tomorrow and so we will have to have another court date. The 15 day waiting period will not start until the second date and by law, I (Nathan) have to be there. I have to leave on Saturday to finish out the teaching semester at Asbury, and close up shop for the semester at WGM, so by the letter of the law, the second court date would not be until at least Dec. 18th leaving Ellisona in the orphanage for another month and setting our return back to the states another two weeks at least! We also found out today that the orphanage doesn’t have electricity which is the only way to heat it. Thankfully this has been an unusually warm week, but we shudder to think about what things will be like for Ellie and the other children when the temperatures return to their normal cold! Not to mention that it gets dark here at 4:15 PM.

Please! Please pray! Pray that the judge would do what is best for Ellisona. Pray that God’s hand would be shown in this situation. Pray that God would give us the strength to accept the outcome of the court case tomorrow. Pray that we would be good witnesses for him by our actions and reactions.


All 4 My Gals said...

We are praying for you in Kentucky. I can't wait to meet your girl! Nicole Maher~from Titus and FAC

Anonymous said...

may the spirit deliver a burning desire to the judge to complete the recommendation now. may the opposition not succeed in complicating things, as he loves to do, and keep ellie at the orphanage another week. sola gloria deo.

Anonymous said...

WC is praying for you!!!!