

On our way!

How many elephants can you fit in a VW bug? I still don’t know the answer, but I do have a better idea of how much can (and can’t) fit in a GrandAm. This morning our friend Mark drove us to the airport in Cincinnati on his way home to Ohio for Thanksgiving. We were able to get two of our huge duffle bags in his trunk, two in the back seat between poor Cydil and Sophia (another Asbury student on her way home for break) who were crammed in there too; both with bags under their legs and on their laps. Then there was me, in the front seat with a bag under my legs, one on my lap, and our shiny new Jeep stroller carefully placed under my chin and against the windshield. This was one time when I wished there wasn’t a passenger-side airbag as I had visions of a permanent indention of the Jeep logo on my forehead. Thankfully we made it to the airport safely and I now have an appreciation of all of the space I will have in coach during the long flights.

Last night we received another update/evaluation on Elisona. There wasn’t a lot of new information, but it was nice to have and has made us even more eager to get to Albania and spend time with her. Below is the last couple of sentences of summary in the evaluation:
“She appears to be behind in development of speech and gross motor skills, but in my opinion, this has more to do with “institutionalization” than with any physical or mental deficits. I think that a loving family setting, with consistent one-to-one attention, would bring out the full potential of this beautiful little girl.”

That sounds like some encouragement we recently received from my Aunt Ruth when she said lots of love can cure almost anything.

We plan to travel down to Vlore on Friday to meet her. Continue to pray! You can use the clock on the right side of this blog to see what time it is there in Albania and have a better idea of what we might be up to. We hope to be able to report often from Albania, but are unsure of the internet situation in Vlore.

Thanks for your prayers and support! We’re almost there!

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