

we leave tomorrow!

Our bags are packed and in the car. We still have some housekeeping/student center details to wrap up yet this evening, but we are mostly ready to go!

We learned today that we'll get to see Elisona on Friday! We'll make the trip to Vlore just a day trip to see her, find a hotel, and scout out the town. Then we'll come back to Tirana for Friday and Saturday nights (we'll be sure to send photos & blog report then). Sunday we will drive back to Vlore and remain there for the rest of the week. That's the plan so far, of course a lot can change between now and then.

Tomorrow will be a long day of traveling... we leave Cincinnati early Wednesday afternoon and will land in Albania around 1PM Thursday. From the airport we will probably head straight to Bethany's offices before it closes for the day to meet the folks who will be accompanying us on Friday's visit to Elisona.

Thank you for your prayers thus far! It's hard to believe that next time I'm back here we'll have a little girl in tow!

1 comment:

Jan said...

How exciting! Have a safe trip. I'll be praying that everything goes smoothly. I look forward to the updates!