

Gone Fishin'

Wednesday was our first day free of afternoon appointments since we hit the road 3 weeks ago.  Well, free of appointments for me.

Nathan's been on Skype for a few hours.  He was asked to serve for project manager over our sending agency's transition to a new website.  Thankfully, his role is chiefly to serve as interpreter of the agency to the company designing the website and vice versa -- requesting the information needed from the right folks at the mission to supply the content and make the choices needed for the designers to proceed.  It's right up his alley, and when something falls into that sweet spot, it doesn't really feel like 'work.'

Anyway, I'm in my sweet spot this afternoon, with a little work station set up which includes two laptops, a couple of hard drives, my spiral planner, and a thermos of iced tea. I'm responding to e-mails, updating records, and backing up photos. This afternoon I found a series of photos from our first week in America that were worthy of posting in the family online journal.

Introducing Ellie and Reni's first fishing experience!

My parents' neighbor, Norm, offered to teach the kids fishing technique and show them how to fish in his back yard.  It started with a lot of casting practice that both picked up quickly.

Yes, the kids are fishing with Disney-themed poles.  Have you seen how much real fishing gear costs??  Thankfully, these worked fine.

Both kids had a natural knack for casting...

A few times Reni had bites and either reeled too quickly or two slowly to hook his fish.  Then all of a sudden, Ellie had some action!

She really had no interest in getting to know her catch

And in spite of all her comments of "I want to eat him!", it was catch and release.

Thanks, Norm, for this special experience!

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