

Spring Cleaning

Last month the members of our little village church made me proud as they shared of their time for a neighbor in need.

We have a family in our village who had recently welcomed a new baby.  Knowing that they needed some help to get their house in order (what new mom doesn't need an extra set of hands while caring for a newborn and a toddler?), some members of our church spent the good portion of a day 'spring cleaning' their house and making some repairs to their furniture and bedroom walls.

It turned into a bigger job than we anticipated, spanning two days (due to hosting responsibilities, I wasn't there to document the 2nd day).

This little sweetheart blissfully slept through a lot of our ruckus of moving, sorting, purging and cleaning!

Many hands make light work!

Nathan and Luli work on reinforcing and replacing slats on the baby's crib so she could have a safe place to rest

Precious L washed clothes and dishes for HOURS then took bedding home to finish up the last of the laundry.

Big sister got a hair cut!

Some of the work crew!
The "After" pics, courtesy of Shpresa

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