

Reni Turns 7

Better late than never... or so they say.
Reni has the 'misfortune' of having a birthday at that point in the summer when his mom is just about ready to collapse in a melted puddle from the summer's heat.  That doesn't affect our celebrating -- just the energy his mother has in documenting such celebrations.

This particular year Reni really wanted to have a party with his English-speaking friends. He has two friends in Tirana that he considers his buddies, but as it would be, they would be in the States during the summer break. Thankfully, Gigi and Aunt Hannah were going to be visiting over his birthday so that took the edge off not having the party he really wanted.

As it would be, his birthday fell on a Saturday, the last kid's club of the summer, so we made a cake and had Star Wars' themed plates, napkins, and banner to share with our local friends.

Nathan and Arjan got into the spirit of the theme and to the delight of all present, carried the cake in with a bit of fanfare.

Never one to relish special attention, I think Reni was both amused and slightly embarassed.

Nathan made an amazing birthday cake according to Reni's request.  (The birthday cake is a really big deal to Reni, something he put a lot of thought into, going so far as to sketch a design earlier this spring which he presented to his dad). 
We have a new respect for all you cake decorators out there!  (Thinking of you, Chrissy and LeeAnne!)

Thanks to my mom's visit, we had some amazing tools and supplies to work with (like fondant, which you can't buy here).

Happy Birthday, Reni!  We love you more than you have any idea and we can't imagine life without you in it!  It's been a joy to see you grow and mature so much this past year.  I told someone it feels like you have changed more this year than any other year before -- and it's more than just your new smile.  We have seen you grow in confidence and maturity.  You ask us tough questions, but you have a sensitive, tender heart.  You are tough and strong, but you're not afraid to show us you really love your family and friends. We pray you continue to grow to become a man after God's heart, that you grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man. 
We are so proud of you!  Love, Mom and Dad

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