

Reinforcements Have Arrived!

Today marks one week since their arrival!  

Hailing from California, Cincinnati and Boston, they've brought a wonderful spirit to our home and village.  We are so glad to have Nashana, Hannah and Jenna working with us this summer.
They've jumped into ministry with eagerness.
They are working diligently to learn Albanian and doing whatever we ask -- even if that means being stretched in new areas of ministry (like intensely competitive games of volleyball or 4-Square!). 
They are already a big help and encouragement to Nathan and I and great big sisters to the kids.

I'm sure they would covet your prayers as they develop relationships with our community and learn how to live in a new place and culture, far from what is familiar.  And pray for them also as they seek God's direction for their futures!  They are mid-way through their university careers...

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