

Pie Makin'

Saturday afternoon we made it back from the AEP conference and stopped at the supermarket before even unloading our bags.  We were scheduled to be with our friends at the Hope Center and the plan was to make pizzas.  We love hanging out with these kids.  We also love that Eda joins us!

It's funny that they think we do pizza 'wrong'. ;-) 

Whoever brought pizza to Albania created about 8 types of pizza and apparently, you don't deviate from those combinations of toppings!  I can understand why they might think pineapple an unusual topping, but onion?  Bring on the olives, peppers, mushrooms and garlic -- but onion?  I was met with a bunch of wrinkled noses! ;-)

This funny young lady is new this year and we thoroughly enjoy her.

Here is part of the prep crew:

Usually you can find pre-made pizza crusts at one of the two foreign supermarkets that have come to this country.  Given that we had less than two hours between returning from the conference and getting to the Center, I knew we didn't have time to make home made pizza dough.  You can imagine the sinking feeling we got when we arrived at the supermarket and there wasn't a pre-made crust to be found.  Plan B?  Tortillas!  We bought every packet they had! (In reality, I wouldn't have been surprised if those had been all sold out too!)

We had everyone make their own pizza and Teuta somehow managed to keep track of the order they went in and out of the oven!

We brought some games to play while supper cooked.

Reni was really getting a quick eye for "Spot It!"

This was our second visit to the center since school resumed in late September.  This second year we feel like we know these kids a lot better and look forward to our visits together!  Next visit we'll be teaching photography!

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