


...Ellie, the purple cockatiel, and Reni the Raccoon!

We don't really 'do' Halloween in our family, but somehow the kids figured out what day it was and wanted to dress up on Thursday.  Thankfully the ministry center is well equipped with a variety of animal masks and Christmas drama costumes, so they surprised their teachers by showing up at school in costume!

Ellie wanted to be a mama bird and hold her pet 'real' bird as her 'baby.'  You gotta love her angel wings -- which didn't quite fit down the spiral stairwell.

Elllie told Reni he should be a "Ninja Raccoon"  so he could 'fight the bad guys with his RABIES!"
Those blurs are his bared claws. ;-)

And because we had so many masks, Reni ended up changing his look to be at least three different animals by the end of the day!

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