

Table for Nine, Please!


It normally doesn't strike fear in my heart.  After all, our previous ministry was all about hospitality.  And we expect that a lot of what our ministry here will entail will include an open door into our home.

However, Albania is a country steeped in traditions and I'm sure even the most gracious of our Albanian friends still hold expectations in their heart of hearts (though they would never, ever say so) of how we would entertain them as an indication of the level of our care and love and respect for them. As newbies, we have a lot to learn about these many traditions! I think even Martha Stewart might be shaking in her slippers if she had to throw a dinner party here, three weeks fresh off the plane.

I figured there was no better impetus for finishing our 'settling in' to our apartment and overcoming my nerves about entertaining in this culture than than to invite company for supper right away.   Adventurous?  Just a bit, considering I'm still figuring out this grocery shopping/cooking thing here.  At least I went 'easy' by inviting our colleague, Arjan and his family.  I figured they'd be gracious and understanding in the event of any major flub ups and as a family of three, I thought we could all fit within the limitations of our cozy apartment space.

Before they arrived I was going through a mental checklist:
  • is my menu pallatable? I hope so, but the brown sugar glazed carrots might be a stretch -- I've heard that 'sweet and savory' is not a typical combination of flavors here
  • guest slippers at the door?  check, though is it cold enough for slippers? Should I have flip flops instead?
  • tray for beverages and glasses in the living room?  check
  • enough glasses for appetizers in the living room and supper around the table?  no!  add this to shopping list.  Hopefully they won't mind using the same glasses twice, carrying them to the table!  I wonder how long I can use this excuse, "We just moved here!" ?
  • to serve American/family-style around the table or Albanian style, with served up plates already (and risk they won't like the different dishes or they won't ask for seconds if they want more)?  um, nine people around a table built for six?  Albanian style it is!  Not a single additional dish will fit!
  • Uh oh.  Were we supposed to have candy when they arrived?  too late, and no, Nathan, we can't serve fruit.  That means we're ready for them to 'go home' and we will not have even served supper yet!

I don't know what I would have done without Anna and Abby's help!  They made the salad and they washed the salad bowls after supper when everyone retired to the living room for coffee and dessert.  They had to wash the salad bowls because we didn't have enough bowls for serving dessert -- oops!  More items for the shopping list!

The children were particularly excited about entertaining a 'baby' (though she's only fifteen months younger than Reni).  That excitement evaporated rather quickly when Ellie realized she couldn't communicate with A in English ("Mom, Is she stuck in Albanian?") and Reni discovered that his toys held the greatest appeal.

All in all, I think it was a success!  Will we be doing this again soon?  Oh yes, but not until I can make another trip to Jumbo for more tableware!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful little girl!!!! Aunt Ruth