

Not An Ordinary Playdate

The internet is a beautiful thing.  Where else would I meet individuals who have children with lower limb differences?  Outside of our regular life, I think we knew one?  Two? And neither of those children were affected bilaterally.

A couple of years ago, I learned about a Yahoo group for adoptive parents of children with limb differences.  All of a sudden that number jumped significantly. There's comfort in knowing others that face similar challenges and who have walked the road ahead of you.

Do you remember Reni's new stroller?  My friend Yvette (whom I met through the limb difference group) had recommended it. Imagine my excitement when I discovered that during the month of August, we would be staying just fifteen minutes away from her home!  I was really anxious for Reni to meet her son, Cav, so Reni could see another boy his age successfully navigating life in prosthetics.  And not just navigating, but Cav slips his legs on and off faster than I can put on a pair of boots!

Yvette was gracious and had us over one evening for supper.  The kids hit it right off, as you can see.  Yvette told me that Cav never takes his legs off in front of strangers.  Within minutes of seeing Reni, off came Cav's 'legs' and he and Reni were compadres.

Yvette is a passionate advocate for orphans with dwarfism.  After meeting her three little people, it wasn't hard to understand why.  Uh-dorable.  They are absolutely the sweetest kids ever.  Delightful.

Then out came the football... boys are boys, regardless of height.

Yes, that is Nathan's son below.

Can you call that a quarterback sneak? (below)

And he's free!

Yes, let's just throw it in the bounce house to keep it away from our opponent!

Many have told us they thought Reni would be good at wrestling!  His friend, B (above), actually does wrestle!

Girls don't play football, they do the splits.

Thank you, Yvette and family, for a wonderful visit!  I'm so glad we had a chance to visit!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

How great is this! I agree, the internet can be a beautiful thing.