

Bits and Pieces -- Camera Phone Dump

I love how my Scottish (that's properly pronounced, Scaw-ish) friends say "bits and pieces" instead of the way we say "stuff" or "things".  It has a more refined sound, don't you think?  Besides, if I titled this post, "Miscellanea", I think you'd yawn and click on the big red "X" in the corner of your window.
I have a bunch of little items to share that won't get their own post, so sadly, they're getting lumped altogether because WE ARE LEAVING TOWN IN SIX DAYS! 
While I was in Albania, Nathan sent me this photo of the kids -- Ellie's idea of heaven: sitting on Nonna's lap reading books!

The next photo gave me a big lump in my throat:

Reni, sedated, for an MRI of his left leg.  Remember the post where we thought Reni might have to have surgery before we left for Albania?  The surgeon wanted another peak at what might be developing below Reni's femur and discovered a knee cap, ligaments, tendons, and two bones!  At the least, we're hopeful that there might be enough in the future to trigger a robotic knee.  A follow-up consultation in Lexington is scheduled for May...
Below -- two kiddos up way past their bedtime to see Mom, Gigi, Gyshe, and Aunt Hannah step off the plane!

As close as any child of ours will ever come to catching a fish.  Thanks, Bass Pro!  (Where our family goes for cheap fun -- we just browse!).

I laughed when I saw this because yes, Ellie has the gift of making friends in a heartbeat.  Again, another pic while I was overseas...

In January we visited our friends, the Rascos, in Boone.  Arthur had created a 14-minute video of their adoption story which was viewed at a film festival where a distribution company requested a slightly longer version.  That's now available for purchase or download here:

Before we left their home, they gave us a copy which we were able to watch a few days later with some friends who themselves had completed two Russian adoptions.  Grab a kleenex!  Adoption stories get me every time!

Speaking of adoption, I've got a new blog I'm hooked on.  It's called "Unleash the Sheep".  I see you raising your brow quizzically.  Maybe like me you thought it had something to do with the fact that the author and her husband are vets, but no.  It's better than that. 

I met Sarah online in November.  She and her husband discovered their soon-to-be son, Zefi (isn't THAT a cool name?), on a waiting child list.  Zefi was from this little country called Albania, in a town called Elbasan.  After some internet searching for Elbasan Albania adoption, Sarah stumbled onto our little blog and was shocked to find a photo on here of Zefi!!  We've exchanged a number of e-mails, with me trying to share about what they could expect from their time in Elbasan, where to stay, places to eat, etc., with me eventually connecting them to our friend, Kerri, Elbasan's best hostess and emissary.

ANYWAY, Sarah started blogging shortly before their departure a few weeks ago.  Like you, I was trying to understand the meaning behind the name of their blog until I read the back story.  In preparation for their travel, Sarah had purchased an English to Albanian language CD.  Her young kids were listening to the CD and started repeating "unleash the sheep!"  Puzzled, she skipped back and discovered that what they heard as "unleash the sheep" was really "English and Albanian" or Anglisht dhe Shqip (with the proper accent, it sounds something like "ongleesht the sheep").

Perhaps only someone who has ever been to Albania and heard the Albanian accent can fully appreciate the humor in that, but I thought it was brilliant, on so many levels.  As Sarah wrote, imagine what would happen if all of Jesus' sheep were unleashed and fulfilling His purposes in the world?

Read the Waller family's unfolding adventure as they endeavor to bring Zefi home.  I'm sure they'd appreciate your prayers as they go to court on Tuesday, as well as they try to overcome some difficulty in getting Zef's visa to come home.

Well, I had more to share, but it's going to have to wait for another post!  While I'd love to share some interesting stuff I've been reading, what we are most anxious to post is an idea we need to develop a bit more first. Hint: it's related to building our prayer team,or AKA Team Epaphras! (puzzled?  read our March newsletter here).  Stay tuned!

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