

Day 2 - Football and more...

Cydil arrived safely in Albania, but one of her suitcases didn't. Hopefully it will follow tomorrow.

Elisona had a chance to practice her O-H-I-O today with the Ohio State vs. 'that state up north' game. Ellie doesn't have any Buckeye clothes that fit her, so we opted for an Albanian soccer outfit.

We set up the snacks and divided the room down the middle. Did you know that Big Red Soda also has a Big Blue counterpart. Both were made available as were buckeyes and 'Rich' brownies (named in honor of coach Rodriduez).

Most of the students who arrived to watch the game with us were fellow Buckeyes, but there were a few brave Wolverines who ventured out. By the end of the game, Ellie had settled in with a bag of Cheetos.

Els was a little cranky during clean-up after the game, so a nap was in order. It seemed to help to know that mommy was sleeping in Albania at the same time. Of course I had to 'sacrifice' and nap with her. It was good for both of us, but I may pay for it tonight trying to get her to sleep tonight.

As I type, Ellie is playing with some audio cards from Hallmark that were given to us recently. Hearing "Let it Snow," "Mr. Postman," and the 3 stooges theme song all playing together is a little crazy. Add to that commotion that Elisona is singing the peanut butter and jelly song while opening and shutting them like puppets to sing along and you have a picture of what is going on right now! How long do the batteries in those cards last?! Don't worry mom and dad, I will leave the cards here when we come to visit you next week for Thanksgiving!

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