

Little Cabin in the Woods...

There's a neat state park not too far from us called Waveland. They have this adorable little "kid-sized" cabin. Sometime we'll go back and do a 'real' Ellie session there...

We're proud of our girl. She's been really pleasant lately and more patient during times we've asked her for it. One of her new 'fun' things to do (besides alternate the volume of her voice and/or yell "surprise" to make us jump out of our skin -- watch out!) relates to a new nighttime ritual. Our pre-bed routine is to change into jammies, wash hands and brush teeth, then read a Bible story on the couch before making our way to bed. In the last couple of nights Ellie has determined that she will move to the rocking chair for family prayer time.

After prayers from the rocking chair she asks us where she shall sleep at night. It'll go something like this (and yes, she often refers to herself in 3rd person), "Ellie sleep on the chair? No (shaking her head). Ellie sleep on the refridgerator? Noooo [giggling]. That's silly! Ellie sleep on the porch? Nooooo. That's COLD [fake shivering]! Ellie sleep in the [magazine] basket? No, she doesn't fit! Ellie sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed? Yes! [nodding emphatically]".

Tonight she threw in a new one (stalling, I'm pretty sure): "Ellie sleep in timeout chair? NO!"

Ahhh. We love our girl.


Aunt Ruth said...

June is coming!!! We can't wait to see you and your little girl!!! My she's taking giant steps in language!!!

Joann said...

I just read the news about Bethany ending their adoptions in Albania. How will this affect your second adoption? I thought of you guys right away.

Cydil said...

Hi Joann,
Yes. Bethany is closing their Albania program but will continue to work with those families who already have dossiers submitted. Soooo we just squeaked in under the wire! That's all we know so far.
Thanks for thinking of us and asking!

Joann said...

Oh I am so glad you guys are squeaking in.

Nick and Kelly McCormick said...

Ohhh! How many Saturdays were spent playing Little House on the Prairie with the Van Orman girls in their back pasture! Karen's girls watch the series on DVD all the time...they call it "Pa" instead of it's actual title. It's good to see that the next generations on both sides might be interested in the same play acting!